OD Surface Renamer allows you to rename selected surfaces in a variety of ways. This plugin is a generic Layout plugin and also a Modeler plugin. The same renaming mechanism can be found also in OD Skelegon Renamer & OD Layer Panel Pro:
The order of the components in in the order of the execution (Trim, then Replace, then…)
Trim: removes the specified # of characters to the left or right from the original name
Replace: Replaces the search string with the replace string and can optionally be case sensitive
Prefix: Adds the specified string to the beginning of the name
Suffix: Adds the specified string to the end of the name
Index: Adds an index to the beginning or end of the name
Caps Conversion: This allows you to change the case of the string
Strip numbers and non alphabetic characters: Will remove any offending characters
Preview: Offers a preview of the first selection to verify everything is as you'd expect
Here's a how-to video showing OD Surface Renamer in action.