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OD Modeler Primitives allows you to quickly create primitive objects that are UV and subD friendly. This is a Modeler plugin and also a generic Layout plugin. If called without arguments, a UI will be presented, however, it can also be called headless with arguments:


  • Name: The name of the resulting object
  • Type: The Type of object to create
  • Pivot X: Where in X space you would like the pivot created
  • Pivot Y: Where in Y space you would like the pivot created
  • Pivot Z: Where in Z space you would like the pivot created
  • Size X: The size in X (or width) of the object
  • Size Y: The size in Y (or height) of the object
  • Size Z: The size in Z (or depth) of the object
  • Position X: Position of the Object on X
  • Position Y: Position of the Object on Y
  • Position Z: Position of the Object on Z
  • SubDs: Whether the object is supposed to be a subD object or normal Poly Object.
  • Pie Command: The full command that could be used with ODPie Menu, or that you could map on a button to create a specific primitive

Here's a how-to video showing OD Create Modeler/Layout Primitives in action.

odtools/od_creategeomodeler.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/21 22:34 by oliver